PROFESSORE ORDINARIO PER CHIAMATA DIRETTA PER CHIARA FAMA, essenzialmente dedicato alle patologie dell’apparato digerente, con conoscenza di chirurgia tradizionale, e particolare dedizione a tecniche di chirurgia mini-invasiva ed endoscopia digestiva flessibile. Ha studiato e lavorato presso l’Università di Tuebingen (Germania) prima di rientrare in Italia.
Chirurgo Generale ed Endoscopista Digestivo per procedure operative, con ruolo accademico, principalmente dedicato all'attività clinica e di ricerca, profondamente coinvolto in numerosi progetti sponsorizzati dalla Commissione Europea, dal Ministero della Salute nazionale, dal Ministero dell'Università nazionale, Fondazioni ed aziende private.
Professore Ordinario di Chirurgia Generale per Chiara Fama, presso l'Unità di Chirurgia Generale I, Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche, Università di Torino dal 2014, per chiamata diretta secondo Legge 2010/240 ed emendamenti.
Dedica il 10% del suo tempo lavorativo all'insegnamento, il 40% alla ricerca, il 50% alla clinica.
General Surgeon and Digestive Endoscopist
Co-PI of the ERC SyG 2023 ENDOTHERANOSTICS, in collaboration with (2024 - 2030)
Prof Kaspar Althoefer, QMUL London, UK
Prof Sebastien Ourselin, King's College, London, UK
Prof Bruno Siciliano, Federico II University, Naples, Italy
Academic Researcher, University of Tuebingen, Germany - 1997 - 1999
where he worked as Faculty and Tutor of the courses of Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery and Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery at the Training Center, Dir. Prof Gerhard Buess
Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Torino, Italy - 2007 - 2014.
Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Torino, Italy - 2014 - today - DIRECT SELECTION.
Elected Coordinator of the PhD Course in Bioengineering and Surgical Sciences, together with Politecnico di Torino
Former Vice-Coordinator of the PhD Course in Technology Applied to Surgical Sciences
1.12.01 - 30.11.03 PI of CLEANTEST Project on Cleaning, sterilization and design of instruments for endoscopic surgery sponsored by the European Community within FP5
1.09.06 - 31.08.11 PI of VECTOR Project on the development of a robotic capsule for GI endoscopy sponsored by the European Community within FP6
1.3.09 - 15.11.2015 Coordinator of the ESCO-study (Endoscopic Stenting for Colonic Obstruction), international multicenter RCT sponsored by the EAES
1.6.2011 - 31.05.2013 Coordinator of the MUSIC-study (MULTI-PORT VS. SINGLE-PORT CHOLECYSTECTOMY), international multicenter RCT sponsored by the EAES
1.10.2011 - 30.09.2013 PI of the Polymeric films and magnetic forces for gallbladder retraction during a fully transluminal cholecystectomy, sponsored by the EURO NOTES FOUNDATION
1.1.2012 - 31.12.2015 PI of STIFF-FLOP Project (STIFFness controllable Flexible and Learn-able Manipulator for surgical OPerations) sponsored by the European Community within FP7
1.3.2012 - Coordinator of the TEMENDO-study (Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery vs. ENDOscopic Submucosal Dissection for large rectal adenomas), international multicenter RCT
1.12.2015 - 31.05.2019 PI of ENDOO Project (Endoscopic versatile robotic guidance, diagnosis and therapy of magnetic-driven soft-tethered endoluminal robots) sponsored by the European Community within H2020
1.05.2022 - 30.04.2026 PI of CLASSICA Project (Validating AI in classifying cancer in real-time surgery) sponsored by the European Community within HEU
1.01.2023 - 31.12.2027 PI of PALPABLE Project (Multi-sensing tool for Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) sponsored by the European Community within HEU
Specialty |
Distinguished Professor of Surgery, PI |